Credentialing Workflows

Credentialing Workflows

When the Xitracs Credentials module and the Credentialing Workflows feature is installed, a Credentialing button will appear if you have been assigned access to this function.


Credentialing workflows are linked templates which define steps, e.g. Complete a Form, Approve, Sign. If the step is a form, the fields to complete are defined as part of the workflow template.

These templates are defined and managed in Xitracs by the person(s) in your institution responsible for this process.


Click the Credentialing button to create a new workflow or to view existing workflows.


To Create a New Workflow


1.Click the Create workflow button

2.Select an available Template

3.Enter a workflow Name

4.Enter a workflow description or other details (optional)

5.Click Next


Once the workflow has been created, you will see a list of steps defined in the template.

Some of these steps may require you make a selection, e.g. a team or person, before the workflow can be started.


After starting a workflow, you will be able to track the progress to completion.


If you have been assigned to the first step, e.g. to complete a form, a corresponding task will be generated.